Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Scream & Shout

Well Obviously I LOVE BRITNEY SPEARS. And if you all didn't already know (which I'm dissapointed in you if you didn't) her new video with Will.I.Am Scream and Shout premiered tonight! It was premiered on The X Factor, which she judges with Simon Cowell, Demi Lovato <3, and L.A. Reid. The song dropped last week I believe (it leaked a little early) and they did a pretty good job at keeping the video from leaking before the premier. I actually don't watch the X Factor, which is terrible of me since I love Britney and Demi, but I promise I'm going to try and catch up from the beginning or something, whenever I get the free time. I actually missed the premier of the video too because I was in class. School comes first! But fortunately it was posted on the XFactor website, Vevo, and Youtube right after the premier so I raced back to my dorm and watched it.

The song: At first, I wasn't a fan. I thought it was a little boring but maybe because Britney's name was on it, I was just expecting more girly pop. But since Will.I.Am is the main and it just features Britney (which is a term I use loosely since she owns everything she's in) it was more toward his style. After a few listens, it grew on me, then I became obsessed with it as I usually do. There's no real significance in the lyrics. Its just a fun song you'd probably rock out to at the club. The lyrics pretty much just say how when they go to the club, everyone's looking at them and that they don't want the party to stop because it's just so much fun. I think what really did it for me though was the infamous Britney line. I'm SO GLAD they put "Britney Bitch" in the song. 

"It's Britney Bitch"
Brief history lesson: 
Her now legendary catch phrase came about with Gimme More, which is one of my top fave Britney songs. Since she had been out of the scene for awhile, she needed some kind of a catch phrase to get back into the biz. Story pretty much goes that while she was recording (mind you, pregnant with her second child) she came in at the wrong time and Jim Beanz said something to the music engineer, Lago, along the lines of "I don't have to come in when I want, It's Britney Bitch". Originally her producer didn't think she would like the phrase but she loved it! And then they kicked off Gimme More with the phrase and BOOM. Here we are today.

The Video
I thought it was really well constructed. Very contrasty, very glam, very edgy too. I thought it was fun and hot too. But obviously, being in the fashion industry, I'll be critiquing outfits. Mostly Britney's though because I was obsessed with how fabulous she looked!!
I just didn't like the obvious product placement and such... That was kind of lame but I guess you gotta fund these fabulous outfits somehow, right? But I liked the simple gold decorations and the disco globes. 
Okay so this is what opened up. Well the bottom-left picture. Her hair is huge! Hahah.
Black, shiny, leather, the makeup. Love it all. I think the high waisted shirt looked fabulous on her,
and I love the leather top that has the sleeves. 
The gold accessories are totally hot too! All about it. 
Kind of wish the shoes were a little flashy and glittery during her poses.
I think it would have added a little more glam to her.

This feathery onsie is SO cute. Literally dying.
Especially when she was holding the flaming disco balls.
Belted shoes definitely add some edginess that I enjoyed.
I included the shoes in the upper-right corner just because I thought they were cute.

 And a little about everyone else. I thought the dancer's were all dressed very street,
which is obviously typical of dancers
I liked how everything was cohesive too and the colors all flowed nicely.
Top-left jacket- someone buy me this for christmas PAH-LEASE
And the hat on the bottom left is also pretty raw.
I'm not a hat person, but I like when other people wear hats.
I just don't like them on myself.

Here's the Video. 

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


So if you know me personally, you know I've been struggling with a career choice for quite some time now. Not a big deal seeing as I'm in my third semester now at the Fashion Institute of Technology and still have 2 1/2 years ahead of me. But since I get my BAS degree in Fashion Merchandising Management next spring, I've been freaking out a little since I've been so lost on career opportunities.

Last semester I actually signed up for an internship course and started going through the necessary steps of finding an internship through the career center at my school. I even began sending out a couple applications early on. However, when I began to realize that I didn't really know what I wanted to apply for because I didn't know what I wanted to do, and was just sending out applications regarding the typical career paths a student in my major would choose, I had a mental breakdown.

Long story short, I emailed my career counselor, told her I was sorry but I was done looking for an internship and was dropping the course. I mean, why intern for a position I know nothing about and might wind up absolutely hating right? I'm not one to blindly go into things. I like to have some sort of game plan or some sort of knowing before I begin.

While I was trying to find a class that compensated for the internship credit requirement, I noticed that my career counselor offered a Career Development class. She's a fantastic lady and one of my favorite faculty members at the school so I of course decided to look up the description of the class. Pretty much, the description told me that this class was all about finding yourself and finding out what career opportunities are available to you, and what would work well with your personality. BINGO. That's what I needed! So I enrolled (plus, it didn't hurt that it fit in really nicely with my schedule).

**Side note- I keep misspelling opportunities and have to correct it and I don't know why... I also misspelled "misspelling" while typing this.... **

So throughout the course our professor had us go through a couple assessments of our personality which then gave us a holland code and an MBTI code (which I won't get in to). From there we found out about who we are, what kind of things interest us, what stimulates us, and what environments help us thrive to the best of our potential. She also made us really analyze our skill sets and figure out what they are. I realized I had way more skills than I even though. A program we used even helped match us up to potential careers that might interest us.

From this course I noticed that I'm very creative (duh) and very math inclined (another duh). But I found that even though numbers and logistics stimulate me, I need to balance it out a lot with creative work and using my skills to bring my imagination to life. I also found that I can't be at a desk all day working a typical 9-5. I'd hate that. I also found that I'm probably going to be working long hours, but I do that already and I like to be busy. It helps me work better.

So after all this learning, self assessment, self realization, guidance, and research, I've finally discovered that I still don't entirely know what I want to be. But that's okay. I have found some career choices that interest me such as Merchandise Coordinator. I'd work for a certain company (Polo, Guess, Armani, etc.) and oversee their areas in major department stores like Macys. I'd help plan the merchandise to be brought in that would sell to the target customers in the area, set up displays that reflect the company and display merchandise in a creative way, and help lead and educate the sales team who specializes in that brand. I'd be doing this for a few department stores so my environment would always be changing, and with change of season comes new merchandise and new set-ups. I'd also get to use my math skills with creating the merchandising plans and sales goals. Best of both worlds.

From there maybe I want to get into being a creative director or a fashion director. Those are definitely positions for the more experienced, but in the future, I think I could handle it. So that's one of my goals in this industry. I want to do well and make a name for myself. But most of all, I want to find what I love and be passionate about my job. How can I fail if I'm passionate about what I do and put all my heart into it? I can't. As long as I'm happy and keep pushing myself, I know I'll be successful.

So there's my little spiel about my career life and what's been going through my mind so far here in New York City. Its a tough world, but I think I'm learning to ropes and I think I'm going to make it here. Its sink or swim, and I'm prepared to swim, no matter what tough waters come my way. Mama didn't raise a quitter, that's for sure. Again, I owe it all to her. Without her teachings from birth, I wouldn't be as well rooted and strong as I am today. And I can't thank her enough or be more grateful that I was able to have a mother as fantastic and wise as her. She taught me all she needed to in just nineteen short years. And the only reason fate allowed her to be taken away from me, is because fate knew I could handle this, and I could make it. All because of you Mama, all for you. I know I'm making you proud, and you just wait to see what's to come. So much more. I got this. Finally.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Predetermined Paths vs. Creating Your Trail

My Professor in my career development course has been giving us quotes to reflect on and write reactions to while we read through "Roadtrip Nation". This quote kind of spoke out to me and kind of helped me realize that being a little selfish in life isn't always a bad thing. Sometime we need to listen to ourself and do what we want to do, regardless of what anyone else thinks. 

“Do not go where the path may lead… go instead where there is no path and leave a trail”
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

            While you are growing up, everyone is going to set a “path” for you. A predetermined route that they think is best for you. “Oh you love to draw so you should be an architect!” “You know, since you like to argue to much and you're pretty clever, you should try getting into law school. Lawyers make great money.” “I bet you’d make a great pharmacist since you’ve got the brain for it.” Even though they might not come right out and tell you what you “need” to do, everyone is always making suggestions and indirectly pressuring you to make the “right” decision. But in the end, the path that they might want for you might not be the best path for you. You know yourself better than anyone else. Only you know what kind of things TRULY make you happy. So then why do we keep following these trails that everyone else lays down for us? Why do we keep trying to make everyone else happy, when we ourselves might be miserable? They don’t live your life, you do. And you only get one shot at it. So even if they want you to be a lawyer or an architect, you have to do what YOU want to do. Make yourself happy even if it’s considered a little offbeat. Because once you set out on your own idea and clear the way, all while doing it purely for yourself, you’ll create your own trail. And ultimately, that trail will lead you to inner happiness; a kind of happy that can only be found when you follow your own heart, your own instinct, and your own thoughts.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Proenza Schouler Spring 2013

For starters, I appologize for lacking so much on my posts! I think this might be my first post in a couple months.... (oh dear). BUT to make it up, I'm going to be posting a new blog update every day for the next week (well at least trying to).

SO Spring 2013 Fashion Week in NYC kicked off a few days ago and we've been hearing the buzz all over. What's hot, what's not, and what's actually innovative. One show that I've been hearing a ton about has been the Proenza Schouler show. It seems as though this house has blown up practically overnight. I was a little skeptical because I didn't particularly enjoy their show last season. But I admit, I had a change of heart this season! If I don' like a show, I'll be the first to say so. But this season was phenomenal.

The line incorporated a lot of neon colors and mixed those with some reptile prints, creating some patchwork kind of garments. Of course there was a lot of leather use; especially bright, glossy colored leathers. The models possessed a rocker vibe, but still came off feminine. I also noticed a lot of exposed zippers, which I've been seeing all around lately. And why not? Why hide it? Zippers are awesome. We also saw a lot of boxier silhouettes instead of hourglass. However, since the models' legs were exposed, it still kept the essence of femininity. And can I just quickly say that the leather, knee high, black leather shoes.... OH MY GOD. I'd wear those. They were so fierce. Again, we see a lot of experimentation with prints and types of knit on the garments, and I think he brought it together very well. All the edgy prints were toned done with some solids that came together nicely. However, some of the dresses did have a ton of print. Yet it wasn't very compact prints, it was more so enlarged to show detail and I have to admit, I loved it. I'm not a huge print-lover, but this looked incredible. And if you look closely, you can even see a lot of photography printed on the garments such as faces, the beach, people swimming, etc. WHICH I LOVED. Blown away...

Okay so here's the first look.
See what I mean by the reptile prints?
But it's toned down by the use of that yellow-green color.
Also, that white skirt with the accenting is so Gorgeousss.

Again we see the same kind of look.
But this time with a more turqouise reptile print,
and a very soft, neonish blue.
I think I liked this one a little more. 

Okay so here's the boxier silhouette,
made possible by the jacket.
But you can still see the femininity due to the
legs poking out from the bottom.
I loved the jacket, which had the same kind of
accenting going on from the skirt above. 

I can't.
That's it.

Okay so again, here we are with the printing,
but its still toned down with the blocking done.
I have to say, I'm not a huge fan of the red.
I wish it was maybe a different shade?
Maybe more of a darker maroon?
Maybe that's just because I'm excited for fall....

Okay, like I said, I'm not a huge fan of print.
BUT, look at this!
Its incredible.
Its enlarged to show detail and the way it flows
is just phenomenally gorgeous.
I also love the little cut-out on the right side
by her hip, which causes the pattern to
flow around it.
Almost like a winding river.
It kind of looks like tire tracks a bit too, no?
And again... THOSE SHOES.
Someone get those for me, please.

Here we are with the satin blue blocking,
and the sheen black.
And if you look closely at the print,
its a bunch of faces.
Almost like a crowded public area (Probably NYC).
But it works!
From far away it blends so perfectly.
And up close its even better!

When I first saw the top, I hated it.
But after revisiting it, its growing on me.
I think because I LOVE mixing blue and green.
Its always been my favorite combination of color...
for some odd reason.
And I like how the swimming pool print and the
green print is toned down a little with that black and 
white print cutting through.
Also, that skirt is killer. 
Loved it. 

THIS is my favorite look from the whole collection.
Its a giant print of a swimming area,
but I love how it starts out with red dots around the top.
I can't really describe it, but I just love the switch from
red to blue.
I love the pattern, and I love the silhouette.
Plus, its also a conservative dress since it doesn't show off
any cleavage and stops at the knee.

I also really loved this dress too.
Probably because of the mix of blue and green.
And probably because I love the beach..
I really hope they make some men's dress shirts like this.
If not, I'm going to go try to make my own.
Love it. 
Well, that is all! 
Thanks for reading through!
See you tomorrow!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Some Summer Style

          I'm back in Cleveland Ohio for the summer. Being away from New York City for almost a week has already been driving me crazy! I miss the glitz, the glam, and the wonderful fashion I get to see every time I walk out the door. But alas, I will return at the end of August! Until then though, I will be periodically visiting the city for interviews, inspiration, and lots of shopping!
          Well, if I were in NYC right now, here's a probable outfit I would wear on a hot summer day. Well, that is if I had everything... Ugh. Where's the nearest Sak's Fifth Ave to Cleveland? Someone please save me.
          xoxo Sean Drown.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Color Me In!

With Spring in the air and the temperatures quickly rising, its finally time to break out the spring clothing that's been stuffed way in the back of you closets. And of course with new a new Spring season comes the need for some new clothing which means just another excuse to treat yourself and go shopping! But with all the clothing that's out there, what on Earth should you buy? Well one thing I'm definitely going to be an advocate of this season is the colored denim and twill pants! But not just for women. We've already seen the trend peaking through in women's fashion recently, but its also picking up on the men's side as well. It a great way to expand our horizons and add a little bit of color and diversity into our wardrobes this season. Not to mention, these colored pants are so much fun! Here's a few of my favorites from some retailers selling them now!

Joe Fresh
J. Crew

 Urban Outfitters

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

New Fashion Show Format

As more designers enter into Fashion Weeks throughout Paris, Milan, and New York, each designer not only has to wow the crowds with their designs, but also have to capture their attention and set themselves apart from the competition by creating a fashion show that's unique and creative. Lately, some designers have been trying a new and theatrical approach for displaying their collections!

I've noticed that a lot of the best runway shows don't just contain beautiful costumes and designs, but also display them in a way that sets the mood and tone for the collection. I love seeing shows that encompass the mood of the collection, and display it in a fun and creative way. We're all so used to the typical catwalk, directional runway show, and lately I just expect a little more to set one show apart from another. I think that may have to do with the fact that I've always been obsessed with Alexander McQueen's runway presentations! His shows were always so theatrical and definitely set the mood for his collection. His shows were always so distinct from the typical runway shows during Fashion Week, and I always looked forward to what he could come up with next.

Another House that does a great job designing their runway shows is Louis Vuitton. Last year we had models rising out of elevators, but this year we had.... a train? YES. A train on the runway! And not the train of a dress, like a Choo-Choo Train! It was unbelievable and absolutely extraordinary! Shows like this make me love fashion week so much more than I already do because when I watch something like this, I feel like I'm almost watching a short movie. These theatrical runway shows help me understand the collection so much more and make everything more vivid in my eyes, and I always look forward to seeing which designer does the best job at it during the season. This season, I'm kind of thinking Louis Vuitton gets my vote. It's a little difficult to top a large train appearing on the runway!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Neiman Marcus May Look Book

          Look books are a great way to browse the clothing lines in a store, and to see what's new and hot. I love flipping through a store's look book to see what clothing they determine to be trendy and fashionable, compared to what I believe. 

          Neiman Marcus definitely hit the nail on the head in their May look book and I loved a lot of the styles and trends they included. The floral prints, tribal dresses, and garden party pastel looks they picked up on were right on point. 

          However, I didn't see anything about the color orange pop up, which surprised me. From what I've been hearing, seeing, and reading, orange is definitely our key color for this season. I'll definitely have to keep a lookout and see if they include a little blurb about it in their April look book. 

          But anyways, here are some images I snagged from their online look book (which you can view for yourself here!) that caught my eye the most. Let me know what you think, and post about what looks were your favorite! 

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

#7 Chanel Spring 2012 Trunk Show

Trunk shows are a perfect way for high-end designers to display garments and accessories from their recent collection to special customers. Not to be confused with a fashion show, trunk shows are extremely exclusive and prestigous. Models also do not walk down a catwalk to present the clothes, but instead are used only to display the merchandise. During the trunk show, the people attending can purchase merchandise before the collection is sold to the general public, giving them to opportunity to wear it first. In my opinion, trunk shows are like extravagant parties where you get to socialize and purchase wonderful clothing to wear before everyone else.

Chanel recently held a trunk show presentation in February at Bergdorf Goodman. The trunk show featured the Spring 2012 collection and gave attendees a chance to see the garments again and purchase whatever they wished (that is, if they could afford it). Unfortunately, pictures of the trunk show are not permitted but I was able to grab some photos of the garments sold there from their runway show. 

The collection showed a lot of pastels like pale pink, sea foam green, light powder blues, and lots of ivory! I also noticed a lot of gorgeous, flowing garments that looked quite feathery and extremely feminine. But instead of the tight-fitted hourglass silhouette, I picked up a lot of structured and geometric silhouettes. This type of silhouette can be seen is a lot of the jackets featured in the collection. There is also some great metallic accents, patterns, and details on the garments that I thought added just enough shine and dazzle without anything looking tacky. And of course, we saw a lot of tweed garments which is iconic of the Chanel house.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

#6. Venexiana Fall 2012

I know, I know. Mercedes Benz Fashion Week was weeks ago and I still haven't posted about my amazing experience at the Venexiana show. As some of you may recall, I had the wondrous opportunity to sit front row to view the collection designed by Kati Stern.

After swindling mine and my friends' names onto the guest list for standing, we entered the room and were eager to find a good place to go stand. However, one of the men who was seating everyone grabbed me by the arm and took me to the runway and by some stroke of luck, he told me to sit down in a seat near the end of the runway that was in the front row! How lucky! I felt like Ana Wintour for a split second!

But enough about me. Venexiana was formed in 2003 by the designer Kati Stern. The collections are sold  at Neiman Marcus and Saks fifth avenue and her garments are elegant and rock infused. I loved the materials she used throughout the collection, which ranged from silk to fur to chiffon with metal accents. She used a wide range of color throughout the garments as well which included metallic coppers, velvety sapphires, sleek grey, vibrant oranges, and pungent reds. But what really struck me was the keen attention to detail that can be found in all the garments. Whether she focused on floral lace accents, exquisite beading, the stitching of the pieces, or the way the skirt was ruffled, she made it work in a way that made the woman wearing it look confident and sexy as hell.  But instead of me blabbing on about this collection, take a look for yourself at this video I shot at the end of the show! Enjoy.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

#5 The Spring Approach

          With the winter season finally coming to an end, New Yorkers are eager to ditch their winter jackets and furs, and begin throwing colorful and lightweight garments on. Even though we had a relatively warm winter, there's no doubt in my mind that we're all excited for the beauty of spring to hit us. And along with a season change comes my favorite part; an excuse to go shopping to vamp up my wardrobe!
          This spring, I'm extremely excited to see a revival of the nautical look. We saw it last spring and I was such a big fan of it! Stripes are my forte, and color is my passion. However, last spring we saw mostly navy blue, white, black, brown, and pops of red. This season, I'm expecting more color! Yellow, orange, light blue, burgundy: all seem to be some pretty big colors and I already love the look. I'm also seeing a lot of naval stripes, cotton cables, shorter and more fitted shorts, anchors, ropes, and toggles. But instead of me rambling on about this, lets get down to some snapshots!

Band of Outsiders Spring 2011
Burgundy and grey-blue

Nautica Spring 2011
Yellow jacket with cuffed pant

Marc by Marc Jacobs Spring 2011
Orange striped polo

Gant by Michael Bastian Spring 2011
Yellow Rain Jacket
Junya Watanabe Spring 2011
Toggle jacket

Prada Spring 2011
Nautical blocked stripes

Michael Bastian Spring 2011
Orange stripes

Perry Ellis Spring 2011
Orange stripe sweater

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

#4 New York Times Fashion Blog Review

     Cathy Horyn is the main fashion critic for The New York Times and has been since 1999. Her entries are posted on the "On the Runway" section of the times, and she's all about being completely honest of her opinions, no matter how brutal they are. She pays a lot of attention to detail and style when reviewing a particular show and freely comments on her feelings toward the collection, which I find rather important and sometimes amusing. I hate when I see people review collections and all they do is talk about how delightful they are and how original and creative the designers are. Let's all be honest for a second now... Some collections flop! Some designers send creations down the runway that look like a drawing given to me by my 4 year old cousin! Its cute when the little ones do it, but just disappointing when a designer does it. Ms. Horyn won't hold back if she thinks your collection looks stupid, which is why i find her posts so credible and fantastic.

  • Silhouette and Design
    • Bell shaped coatdress
    • Feathery and fur coats
    • shapes become monumental
  • Details
    • Helmet like, white-blond wigs
    • Eyes shielded by visors
    • Feathery
  • Color
    • Snowy white
    • White-blond wigs
  • Fabric
    • Laser-cut calf skin
    • Resembling lace
    • Fur coats
  • Creative Jargon
    • Magical rendering
    • Turned up the volume
    • Dandelion heads before the wind catches them
    • Riveting- how it affects your eye

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

#3 NYC Street Style

I recently hit the streets of Manhattan, camera in hand, ready to see what's trending in this fashion community. The streets of Manhattan are so unique! I've never experienced anything quite like it and its one of the many reasons I fell absolutely in love with this city. When you step out on the streets of the City, the pavement becomes your runway. No matter where you're headed people are watching and checking out your style, so always be prepared.

In the fashion capital, what appears on the runway isn't always what appears on the streets. Sometimes, quite the opposite happens. Many designers are incredibly inspired by this city and its no surprise why. New Yorkers have their own individual styles and have the power to start trends and influence what shows up on the runways.

I just so happened to stroll around 5th avenue down by Union Square. During the spring and summer, Union Square is one of my favorite places to visit because its always so alive! When I strolled around a couple days ago, one trend that immediately caught my eye were these big, lightweight, puffy, down coats! I've been seeing them absolutely everywhere in this city and the majority of them were black or dark grey. I did notice some navy blue ones and even some purples. And this trend is not restricted only to young people. I've seen men and women of all ages wearing them around the city. I'm not too sure how I feel about them in terms of style yet. I used to hate them but they're actually starting to grow on me now. Maybe I'll have to pick one up during an end of the season sale! ;)

All photos and design by Sean Drown

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

#2 Fall 2012 Trends- Perfectly Plaid

As New York Fashion Week comes close to an end, we're already noticing some hot trends to keep in mind when buying for the next fall season! While examining the offerings for the season, I saw a lot of cool trends, and one that kept popping up in menswear was the use of plaid.

And not the flannel shirt we've seen just about every male in America wearing for the past decade, but plaid blazers, jackets, and pants. I've seen them in black, tan, mustard, blue, green, and even some red. But they're not really a very bold plaid, its more muted in fact. I, for one, and a huge fan of the Michael Kors mustard plaid pants Hermes plaid blazer! 

So if you can catch a nice plaid blazer or jacket during an end of season sale, I would definitely invest in one for this next fall season! You might even be able to wear it a little during the spring season too!

Michael Kors

Michael Kors

Michael Bastian

Michael Bastian

J. Crew

